Personal Brand/Style Compass
Discovering your authentic personal brand is both empowering and liberating. When you are intentional about owning it, it fortifies your professional mind-set about who you are and what you bring to the table. It also helps you articulate your professional value and assists you in attracting (or releasing) more of who and what you want in business and in life.
Think of your personal brand as the sum of your skills, talents, abilities, personality, character, values, goals, purpose – even your passions. Your brand is also comprised of your on and offline communication, etiquette, and how you appear – your brand packaging.
Everyone has a personal brand. Are you managing it or is it managing you? Is yours authentic? People are craving authenticity in the world we live in today.
This Personal Brand & Style Compass consultation gives you the opportunity to connect, sharpen, or begin defining your brand message. Together we will discover, explore, and clarify your personal “WHO” and “WHY”, then visually translate it into your Personal Statement of Style!
Mine Your Truth & Live Out Loud in Clear, Focused & Empowered Way:
Own Your Unique Genius
Build Unshakable Confidence
Elevate Your Style, Presence & Brand
Speak with Impact
Clarify & Live Your Vision of Success
Call 425.503.9885 for your complimentary Clarity Session.