Posts by Kim Peterson

Savvy’s Team Helps Habitat for Humanity Make Homeownership Dreams Come True!

Posted by on Oct 27, 2011 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Savvy’s Team Helps Habitat for Humanity Make Homeownership Dreams Come True!

Congrats to Habitat for Humanity King County: They raised nearly $40,000 for their affordable home building projects!  -Uniquely Savvy’s team of 9, was honored to participate in Habitat’s 3rd Annual Build-a-Thon in Renton, WA on October 5th in effort to support Habitat’s mission of “providing hard working, low-income families with affordable homes.” The Unexpected, but Fun News? Just got an email from HH to say our team was the Habitat Leader of the Month, contributing $3,195 to HH’s homebuilding program. Our very own...

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A Quote on Joy…Too Good to Not Share

Posted by on Sep 19, 2011 in Inspirational | 0 comments

A Quote on Joy…Too Good to Not Share

“If you’re generous with other people, they will be generous with you, and that alone will bring you unspeakable joy. Joy starts inside yourself. You can’t expect to get it from somebody else first.” – Luci Swindoll …Just read this to start my day! In what way(s) did you experience joy over the weekend? Joy looks like many things, here are a few examples of what it looked like for me: • Joy – When feeling anxious in a quiet moment, I did a quick check-in with myself. Then I realized that while I was alone, I was...

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(Workshop 10.16.11) Discovering Your Authentic Style: Aligned & Empowered from the Inside-Out

Posted by on Sep 17, 2011 in Events, Personal Branding | 0 comments

(Workshop 10.16.11) Discovering Your Authentic Style:  Aligned & Empowered from the Inside-Out

Discovering Your Authentic Style: Aligned & Empowered from the Inside-Out Many of us intend on investing in our personal brand and developing our authentic style but keep putting if off due to the sluggish economy. Now more than ever, it is the time to discover and be at our best. Kim Crumpler, founder and President of Uniquely Savvy, understands our needs and the challenge, and is offering a workshop that will fit most budgets. Valued at $540, this workshop will be hosted only once at the incredible investment of $97. This is the perfect...

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Forgetting the Past, Exploring the Now, Hopeful for the Future!

Posted by on Sep 15, 2011 in Inspirational, Inspired Style | 0 comments

Forgetting the Past, Exploring the Now, Hopeful for the Future!

This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. – Biblical Quote Today’s quote had me thinking on many levels. Stylistically, I often work with individuals who have reached their fitness goals, but still see themselves as they were BEFORE having lost weight. Because of the inability to “forget those things which are behind”, they continue to shop and dress for the bigger sizes and silhouettes of their past. Does this sound like you or someone you know? ...

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The Making of Lily Jang’s FNO Red Carpet Look!

Posted by on Sep 6, 2011 in Events, Uncategorized | 0 comments

The Making of Lily Jang’s FNO Red Carpet Look!

Uniquely Savvy and Lily Jang! I was honored to be selected to style the lovely Lily Jang, anchor of Q13 Fox News – for Fashion’s Night Out at The Bravern on September 8th. The process was super fun, as Lily and I hit it off right away. Like she says, it was like shopping with a girlfriend! One of Lily’s main goals was to ensure that she worked with a stylist who would have an appreciation for enhancing her personal style, but not try to change it. We were a perfect match in that sense since Uniquely Savvy’s focus is to help...

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