
She’s a ROCK STAR!

Posted by on Jun 2, 2015 in Blog, Personal Branding, Personal Shopping, Personal Style | 0 comments

She’s a ROCK STAR!

  CELEBRATING …and the day’s just begun! Today’s client is a total ROCK STAR! We’ve been doing a complete discovery….branding and styling from the inside-out. She grew up a tomboy, and now is in a station in life whereby she wants to step into more of who she is, and “learn” how to embrace her feminine….Anyhoo, I’m totally jazzed about her pre-shopping from 6 different stores to create the look that’s uniquely her own, and emailed her a detailed list of what to expect and how to best prepare/dress for shopping...

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How to Find Your Purpose

Posted by on Jun 2, 2015 in Blog, Living Your Truth Coaching, Personal Branding | 0 comments

How to Find Your Purpose

    How do you figure out what your purpose is? ….Such a big question, right?! As your authentic personal brand identity encompasses this ingredient – your purpose- it is a topic I often find myself coaching clients through during their personal brand discovery. No matter how many times you’ve asked yourself, “What’s my purpose?”, a step in exploring that might be to consider experiences that have you feeling a sense of tremendous fulfillment and passion -you know those activities when time passes...

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Reserve Your Spot with Uniquely Savvy: Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale

Posted by on May 18, 2015 in Blog, Events, Personal Shopping, Styling | 0 comments

Reserve Your Spot with Uniquely Savvy:  Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale

Uniquely Savvy still has a few openings left ~ now’s a great time to stock up for summer: • Parties • Weddings • Graduation • Work & vacation wardrobe • Just because!   Here are some video tips for how to dress professionally for the summer, enjoy!   READY to BE CHAMPIONED in YOUR STYLE, BRAND & CONFIDENCE?  Call me…  425.503.9885 ~ Kim (Crumpler) Peterson is Founder of Uniquely Savvy, Inc and is a Champion of People who have a conscious connection to wanting to BE their best and...

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What Message Do Hyper Sexualized Dolls Send Our Girls?

Posted by on May 14, 2015 in Blog, Inspirational | 0 comments

What Message Do Hyper Sexualized Dolls Send Our Girls?

  Have you seen these dolls? I appreciate the message this article offers young girls…I like that it invites little girls to play with dolls that are not hyper sexualized – dolls they can relate to and perhaps have a sense that – “It’s okay to be me…without all the extras.” I posted this on Uniquely Savvy’s FB and a hair stylist had this comment: “Being in the business of helping people look better and feel better, I hear on a daily basis the comparison that women make between themselves and airbrushed photos. It is...

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Video Blog: “Don’t Judge My Body”

Posted by on May 14, 2015 in Blog, Inspirational | 0 comments

Video Blog:  “Don’t Judge My Body”

  What happens when you judge, compare and gossip about others? The impact often is longstanding and erosive. Whether the giver or the recipient, the impact can compound and become a barrier to you stepping into your unique purpose, greatness – even joy. After all, if you can’t be comfortable in your own skin on a daily basis due to the toxicity of others – and perhaps even yourself – how can you step into who you were truly fashioned to be? You can….absolutely you can. But the road may be tougher and longer as you...

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J Crew: Size 000

Posted by on May 14, 2015 in Blog, Body & Color Analysis, Fashion Trends | 0 comments

J Crew: Size 000

On TRIPLE 0: J Crew sells petite and tall sizes and last year “000”  was created to accommodate a new and valid customer base/new market in Asia, but there’s a bit of controversy. What are your thoughts? I will share two videos. One clip posed this “….Creates additional burdens for young women in America who are already given unrealistic ideas about sizes.” Another (3rd video down), “ I think it’s very frightening especially to a teenage girl, those are the sorts of things that contribute to eating disorders to teenage...

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