J Crew: Size 000

» Posted by on May 14, 2015 in Blog, Body & Color Analysis, Fashion Trends | 0 comments

On TRIPLE 0: J Crew sells petite and tall sizes and last year “000”  was created to accommodate a new and valid customer base/new market in Asia, but there’s a bit of controversy.

What are your thoughts?

I will share two videos.

One clip posed this “….Creates additional burdens for young women in America who are already given unrealistic ideas about sizes.” Another (3rd video down), “ I think it’s very frightening especially to a teenage girl, those are the sorts of things that contribute to eating disorders to teenage girls….eating disorders.”

Let me say this, I am very committed to promoting healthy self-esteem and body image for young girls especially. These young gals grow up to be the emotionally adjusted young women of tomorrow w/regards to body image and concept – or not. That said, I submit that media -be it magazines, the big screen or TV does a more powerfully damning and consistent job of creating additional burdens than J Crew. Furthermore, I believe it is our opportunity and responsibility as women, moms (which I am not), sisters….brothers, dads, husbands, and boyfriends to encourage and educate on health and beauty for the young women around them. These conversations include sizing, stereotypes, body image and the like. When a gal is ordering something online I hope that her mom is a part of “what” she’s buying and has had pro-active conversations vs. reactionary ones.

The truth is, women think about body image and often have negative thoughts about body image many times in a day. If we are, don’t you think the young women around us are too? I wonder what it would be like if we gave conscious connection to the messages we say or don’t say around young women……We are their teachers, encouragers, and role models. We have the privilege to help shape and rightly align their thinking…..When that happens, the weight of J Crew’s “accommodation” or when the waves of the next controversy arises, hopefully our young gals will have a stronger foundation which is not tossed to and fro but is more strongly anchored.


425.503.9885 ~ kim@uniquelysavvy.com

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Kim (Crumpler) Peterson is Founder of Uniquely Savvy, Inc and is a Champion of People who have a conscious connection to wanting to BE their best and dress their best to align from the inside-out!  Kim works with individuals, teams, and organizations to elevate authentic personal brands and style, inspire confidence, and live more empowered.  As a keynote speaker, image consultant, and personal style & branding coach, she works tirelessly, decisively and thoughtfully to bring about goal oriented solutions and results to those she serves.  You’re invited to: Join the conversation on Uniquely Savvy’s Facebook business page, call for a free phone consultation, or book Kim to educate & inspire at your next!   Available for keynotes, workshops, seminars, and girlfriend parties, the programs your participants will love range from personal style, professional image and branding, to hope, freedom, faith, and living an incredible life in spite of trauma. Kim co-authored, “Incredible Life: Top Experts Reveal How to Create Yours”.  Contact Kim @ 425.503.9885.

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